P.O. Box 28608, Las Vegas, NV 89126-3608
Tel: 702.277.8498
The following rules have been made assuming that you may someday be enrolled in a Japanese school. Upon taking up the study of Japanese, there are important rules and obligations from a cultural standpoint that you undertake. Also, concerning life in the United States, there are safety considerations included herein. In order for you to be able to effectively, moreover, safely understand and adapt Japanese culture to life within the United States, once a week in a simulated Japanese educational environment at our supplemental school, it is necessary for you to comprehend and obey the following rules. Parents, please cooperate by observing these rules and by making sure your child clearly understands the main points.
Conditions for Use of (Clark High) School
Within the school (classrooms, gymnasium) eating, drinking (except bottle water), having candy or gum is absolutely prohibited -this applies to parents as well.
Do not enter areas other than your classroom. Only use the designated toilets. Keep them clean: flush, dispose of your paper towels.
Do not touch items posted on the walls of the classrooms or in the hallways. Should you accidentally damage or tear down something, immediately inform your teacher. You may be asked to replace or pay for what you have damaged.
Do not run or make noise in the hallways. Absolutely do not play in the parking lot.
Do not write graffiti. Make sure to erase whiteboards, etc. after use.
If you moved any desks or chairs, put them back where you found them after use.
Absolutely do not use or touch any school supplies (tape, staplers, etc.), which belong to Clark High School.
During breaks between classes, unless otherwise directed by your teacher, always leave your classroom.

Pick up and properly dispose of any garbage you see lying around your classroom or in the hallways.

(Las Vegas Gakuen) Rules
Do not bring into the classroom unnecessary items or toys (yo-yos, marbles, cards, balls, Walkmans, cell phones, etc.).
If you are to be absent, tardy, or leave school early, either the office (277-8498) or your teacher must be called in advance, and your parent must escort you to or from a handoff with your teacher at the classroom door.
During class, listen to your teacher and follow instructions.
Do not speak out of turn during class, do not stand up or wander from your desk without permission. Do not stand on your chair with your shoes on; do not sit on your desk.
Study Obligations
Study while at home; attend class. (Complete homework assignments according to the homework schedule.)
Promptly sit in your seat when it is time for class to begin. Have your materials in order and ready for study.
Sit in your assigned seat. During class, do not rise from your seat or leave your desk without permission.
Even should the bell ring at the end of class, do not stand up until your teacher gives you permission.
Always conduct the opening and closing salutations for class.
Do not disrupt other classes. Do not open doors to or enter other classrooms.
Safe Conduct at School
Wear attire suitable for a simulated Japanese school. No jewelry, manicures or makeup unless there is a special reason for such. (Please refer to Clark County School District’s Dress Code.)
From the beginning of lessons until final dismissal, do not leave school grounds without permission.
Any act prohibited by Clark High School is thus prohibited by Las Vegas Gakuen. (Please refer to Clark High School’s regulations.)